What to See & Do
The café culture Print E-mail
For decades, the traditional 'ghahwa' with its Arabic coffee and shisha pipes was a hub for Bahraini males. Now, the coffee houses have gone upscale, attracting men and women of all cultures, and have become places to be seen in, says Ghada Alansari.
Understanding Arabs: A westerner's guide Print E-mail
By Kate Mitchell » Most people, especially in the West, have a pre-conceived idea of what constitutes an Arab. These ideas usually fall into the 1970s western image of the urban Arab as excessively wealthy, or the more romantic desert Arab portrayed by Omar Sharif in Lawrence of Arabia. These images may be mixed with those of religious fanaticism, often rendering the visitor nervous or anxious about what he is to behold.
The way it used to be Print E-mail

By Lynn Collins » When I arrived in Bahrain from Scotland with my parents and my younger brother in August 1951 I immediately felt very much at home – a feeling that is still with me some 50 years later.

Word on the streets Print E-mail
By Rebecca Torr » Just days after first arriving in Bahrain a friend presented me with a map, a set of keys and a hired car and with a grin told me to “go and explore!” As you can imagine it was a bit daunting at first, especially because I had only ever driven in the UK and I didn’t have a clue where anything was, or where to begin.
The evolution of master artist Shaikh Rashid Print E-mail

By Roy Kietzman » "It's not the style of art that evolves. It's the interpretation," maintains Shaikh Rashid bin Khalifa Al Khalifa, pondering his own two score years as an artist. "The thought or concept is the same: to have an interesting painting for the onlooker, a pleasant painting."

Images of Bahrain Print E-mail
Unearthing Bahrain's buried secrets Print E-mail
By Maeve Kelynack Skinner  »  Bahrain's history goes back a long, long way. How long? Well, consider this: The Sumerians of ancient Mesopotamia (now Iraq) – widely believed to be the first to discover the art of writing – etched man's earliest adventures onto clay tablets more than 5,000 years ago. Among those tales were the story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, Noah and the Great Deluge and, the Epic of Gilgamesh which gives the first mention of Bahrain, then known as Dilmun.
Rules of the road Print E-mail
Driving regulations vary from country to country, so to get you up to speed on what to remember while at the wheel in Bahrain, here are some important things to note.
Yum's the word! Print E-mail
By Roy Kietzman » Where in the world can you stroll down a lane and have the choice of continental, Far Eastern, Indian, Irish, Japanese or Thai cooking? Amble farther into the area, and all sorts of restaurants and cafes are found in the back streets.
An expat's complete guide to Bahrain Print E-mail

Planning to take up employment in Bahrain? Looking to join a family member in the kingdom? Sarah Clarke uses her own experiences to provide new and prospective expatriates a taste of what to expect, what they need to do, and how to go about enjoying life as a resident of this wonderfully welcoming island.

Feats of clay Print E-mail

By Archie D'Cruz » Deep in the heart of Bahrain, amidst 4,000-year-old burial mounds, seven family units in the village of A'ali practice a craft that is just as ancient. Bahrain's potters believe that the craft originated in the country, during the time it was known as Dilmun. True or not, what is certainly beyond question is that people from the Dilmun era - which dates back to 2300 BC - loved beautiful pottery.

The story behind Arab names Print E-mail
By Amira Al Hussaini » “Does your name mean anything?” I am often asked. Well, yes, actually it does. In fact, most Arab names have a little story behind them; to know mine, you’ll just have to read on…
Useful info for new residents Print E-mail

Here is a list of tips, links and phone numbers that newcomers to Bahrain will find useful. You might want to bookmark these links or print them out for easy reference.

Discovering Muharraq's hidden charms Print E-mail
By Heather Anderson  » Unless you live or work in Muharraq, chances are you will only pass through the island when you arrive at or leave from the airport. If so, that would be a pity. The sense of history and timelessness you experience in Bahrain's second-largest city is the kind you will not find anywhere else, and is reason enough to take this trip into the past.
Local architecture is music for the eyes Print E-mail

By Mika Michael » For architects, Bahrain offers a truly unique experience. Here you can see the works of the most famous architects in the world, projects where only the sky has been the limit - not the thickness of the client's wallet.

Spas a refreshing new trend Print E-mail
By Meera Ravi » Boomtime Bahrain is taking its beauty seriously. Even as megabuck deals are inked and buildings spring up everywhere, kissing the skies and hugging newly-defined coastlines, people are making time to rejuvenate themselves in the soul-pleasing and luxurious surroundings of the lovely spas that now dot the kingdom.
Spa culture: What you shoud know Print E-mail
By Meera Ravi » With the fabulous range of treatments available at spas today, it’s all too easy to forget that you, the guest has to be actively involved to make a difference with the treatment you choose.
F1 powers Bahrain into overdrive Print E-mail
By Roy Kietzman » It has been only four years since the island became a regular stop on the Formula-1 racing calendar, but it's fair to say the Bahrain International Circuit (BIC) has transformed life in the kingdom.