With Bahrain gaining in popularity as a tourist destination, many tour operators have begun offering package deals with charter flights and hotel stay. Check with your travel agent, there are some real bargains to be had!
Small island nation packs
in a world of delights
Compiled by Archie D'Cruz
with Roy Kietzman and Ali Mushaima
Photographs by James Davis, Kadir Kir, Shukri Rasool and Catherine Creswell
Sunny. Laid-back. Idyllic. Those are the images Bahrain conjures up for most people familiar with the region. Which is great if all you want to do during your visit is put your feet up and relax.
But there is a lot more to Bahrain than its small land size might suggest.
So put those boots back on and join us as we explore the sights and sounds of a country that is, quite simply, like no other in the world!
Through the links on this page, we will take you not just to the popular tourist spots, but also to places off the beaten track. We will also help you shop, join you in a game or two, give you lessons in history, and if you're good, take you out to dinner.
Ready? Let's go....
Archie DCruz, a seasoned editor, writer and designer, runs his own publishing and design firm A Type Of Magic in Toronto, Canada. He has edited several newspapers, books and magazines, including Middle East Expatriate and all seven of the Visitors Complete Guide book series.
As a designer, he has been involved with several major advertising campaigns, including those for Mirage Speakers, Zenith Electronics, Samsung and Mail Boxes Etc.
A self-confessed workaholic, his two passions when he can be dragged away from his beloved Macintosh are reading and travel, which prove rather useful when it comes to handling a project like this guide.
American Roy Kietzman, editor of Bahrain This Month and Le Royal Meridiens monthly magazine, eats out so often he barely recognizes his kitchen any more. He first came to Bahrain as a visitor on a 72-hour visa in 1987 and liked it so much, he has stayed on ever since. Editor, journalist, copywriter and public relations executive, he has lived in eight countries and travelled to more than 40. Roy has a way with words, a talent that comes in useful when he indulges in his other great passion: Scrabble.