Great Tip!
Bahrain is a country best explored by car. Rental charges are quite low and you can see places you might otherwise find hard to get to.
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Travelling to Bahrain? Here's a handy checklist to make sure you have everything you need before you head out to catch that flight.
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By Kirstin Kabasci » Heres a programme for tourists who would like to see the best of Bahrain. You should ideally have a week to explore the country. If you dont have that much time, just leave out the latter part of this itinerary, or try and pack some of the sightseeing into fewer days. |
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There's a popular belief that Bahrain has two kinds of climate - Hot and Hotter. Actually, that's not quite true, as temperatures can drop to the low teens (C) in the winter. If that's when you plan to travel, better bring those woollies!
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Most visitors to Bahrain need a visa. The visa requirements and fees depend on the visitor's nationality, length of stay, and even the time of year. For example, almost all visitors are able to get a visa on arrival at the airport during the Bahrain Formula-1 Grand Prix.
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Whether you are a tourist or a business visitor, the Gulf paradise of Bahrain promises a great time. Take a few moments though, to check you have everything you need before taking that flight. |
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